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OpenEye's location feature aligns device management with the physical areas where your devices are installed. Locations and all devices associated with a specific location can be configured in Management > Locations > Locations.


NOTE: You can click Management on the navigation bar to go directly to Locations.

Management dropdown Locations Locations.png

Looking for Locations in a Different Client? 

iOS Mobile App Command Station (Coming Soon)

View Locations and Devices

Clicking on a location on the left-hand side menu displays the devices added to that location.

Locations list.png    

The location and device icons will display in different colors based on their status:

  • Green: All child devices are connected and operational.
  • Orange: A child device fails to connect.
  • Red: All child devices are disconnected.
  • Gray: The location has been archived.
  • White: An empty location.

NOTE: Hide or Show Out of Service devices by clicking on the three dots and clicking on Show Out of ServiceLocation Show Out of Service.png

Search Locations
  1. Enter a search term in the search bar.
  2. Choose to include Locations, Recorders, Cameras, and Nested Results in the search by checking the boxes.

Locations and devices that match will appear in Search Results.

Locations Search.png

NOTE: Hide Search Results to view the full list of locations and devices without deleting the last search. Show Search Results to view the last search.

Locations Show Search Results.png

Create Location
  1. Click the plus icon to Create a New Location.

Create a New Location button.png

  1. Enter a Location Name, Time Zone Region, and Time Zone.

Create a New Location.png

  1. Click CreateCreate button.png 

The new location should appear on the left-hand device menu.

Looking for Location Options for a Different Device?

Recorders | Cameras | Cloud Cameras

Locations Options

Locations tabs.png

NOTE: See Virtual Arm / Disarm for more information on Location Arming options.

General Information

Enter, edit, and view the Location Address information associated with a location.

Locations General Information.png

Click on the tab on the Locations page to view General Info:

Location Name: The name of the location

Location Custom ID: A manually assigned ID for internal organization

Location ID: An automatically generated ID

Location Registration Code: Copy the code to add devices to the Location. Generate New Code for a new code

Address, City, State/Province, Country, Postal Code: Address for the customer account

Location Manager: Manually given name

Time Settings: Time settings for Cloud Cameras

NOTE: You can select to Delete or Save a location after clicking Delete Location

Locations Confirm Deletion popup.png

  • Delete: This option will delete the location and all associated events and alerts. All devices contained in this location will also be deleted.
  • Save: This option will not delete the location or its devices but instead mark them "Out of Service." This will ensure that access to its data can continue to be managed.
Remote Connections

Check the boxes to choose the connection types for the devices on the location.

Locations Remote Connections.png

Click on the tab on the Locations page to view Remote Connections:

Inbound HTTP/HTTPS Traffic: Allows non-web services initiated inbound HTTP and HTTPS connections to the device. ie. allows web browser connections on the same LAN as the device using the device IP address, device connections added manually to Command Station, etc. Only applies to device version 2.3 and greater.

Direct Connect: Configure this option when using a static External IP Address to connect to the device. This will send video directly from the device to the client and bypass Web Services. Using this option may require port forwarding configuration.

LAN Smart Forwarding: When the device and client are both on the same LAN, Web Services attempts to send the video directly from the device to the client. This feature is ON by default because it can improve video playback performance in many circumstances.

Enable Domain Redirect: Redirect over HTTPS in LAN Smart Forward mode to a pre-selected domain name with a valid CA signed certificate imported into the device.

Peer to Peer: Web Services will provide the client and device information needed for the client to connect directly to the device. This allows video to be streamed direct.

Relay: This connection method transfers video from the device to the client by relaying it through the Web Services servers.

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication): This connection method transfers video directly from the device to the client when WebRTC is available.

Web Connect Region: Web Connect servers are available in multiple regions to provide the fastest possible connection to your device. This region is set by default and is typically not necessary to change.


View the camera list for a location. Check Health Events to receive alerts for camera status changes.

Locations Cameras.png

Click on the tab on the Locations page to view Cameras.

Cameras associated with a Location are listed by Camera Name, Camera ID, Camera External ID and Status. A notification appears when any camera is Disabled or Out-of-Service. Disabled or Out-of-Service cameras will remain visible on the device if the Visible box is checked. Clicking the X next to Status will remove the camera from the device. Unchecking Health Events removes a camera from all health alerts and health reports. The camera functions normally for all other alerts and reports.

Rearrange Cameras

  1. To rearrange the camera order in the Cameras list, click Rearrange.
  2. Click the 6 dot icon and drag the camera to a new location in the list.

Locations Cameras List Move Camera.png

  1. Click Done.

NOTE: The order of the cameras in this list will determine the order the cameras appear under Locations in the OWS Video Player.

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