System Recovery, Re-Image, and Image Update
At times, system recovery is needed to get past a software/configuration related issue or if wiping a replacement unit before bringing it to a site.
There are a few options for recovery, each has their own steps to initiate and/or required hardware.
USB Recovery
Built-In Recovery
- Follow the Local Linux OS Recovery Partition guide to use the built-in recovery on Linux-based units.
NOTE: A keyboard, monitor and mouse will be needed to complete built-in recovery for Linux-based units.
NVR Base Images
Running either the USB or built-in recovery will only recover to the version installed on the USB or from the recovery partition. In some instances the base image of a Linux unit may need to be updated. Windows images are not updated through this method, as they can be updated through Windows Updates and our provided WSUS services.
- Check the current running OS Image Version.
- Update the Linux OS Image.
- Windows WSUS and Update options: