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AXIS Object Analytics (AOA) Integration Instructions

Enable Analytics in OpenEye Web Services (OWS)

To enable Analytics for an individual camera, connect to a recorder, click Setup (gear icon) > General Configuration > Cameras and select the camera you want to configure from the camera list. Click on the Analytics tab and check the box for General Analytics for the supported camera.

When this option is enabled, any supported analytic events received from this camera will be stored and sent to OpenEye Web Services. These events will then be made available in Event Search and Macros.

Analytics General Analytics.png

NOTE: This integration requires the use of an AXIS IP camera capable of supporting the AXIS Guard Suite analytics package. Before continuing with creating a rule in OWS, follow AXIS Object Analytics instructions to configure a compatible AXIS IP Camera.

Configure Analytics in the AXIS Camera

Cameras can be accessed through the IP Address under Setup (gear icon) > General Configuration > Cameras > Camera Information > IP Address.

AXIS Camera List.png

  1. After an AXIS IP camera has been configured, navigate to to the Apps area of the Settings Menu and select Open next to the app.

AOA 1.Apps_Page.png

  1. In the new Scenarios window that opens, you will be able to create a New Scenario or modify an existing one.

AOA 2.Scenario_Page.png

  1. If no scenario is present, select New scenario and select the type of scenario. Currently Apex supports Object in area, Line crossing, and Time in area.

NOTE: Crossline counting and Occupancy in area are not currently supported.

AOA 3.New_Scenario.png

  1. Select a detection or classification for the scenario (we will select Object in area as an example), and then select objects from the Object Selection page.

NOTE: Apex supports all available objects, but Bike, Car, Bus, Truck and Other are all grouped together as Vehicle events in OWS.

AOA 4.Object_Selection.png

  1. After selecting the object(s) for detection, configure the name of the scenario and the Detection Area in the Scenario Setup page.

NOTE: The name of the Scenario will appear in scenario events generated by this rule, so it is important that your scenario be named appropriately.

AOA 5.Scenario_Setup.png

  1. After clicking Finish, you will be returned to the scenario page. Select the configured scenario and click Open to adjust its settings.

AOA 6.PersonDetection.png

NOTE: All objects that enter the camera's view will be detected and will show in the OWS Server Software as corresponding Person or Vehicle events, regardless of whether the object enters the configured Area of Interest or has been in the scene long enough to satisfy the Time in Scene. To view only events where a person or vehicle entered the Area of Interest and were present long enough to satisfy the Time in Scene, use the Scenario Event search in the OWS Video Player

Once object classification has been configured on the AXIS IP Camera, a bounding box will appear around detected objects in the viewing pane: objects classified as humans get a red bounding box, and objects classified as vehicles get a blue bounding box.

AXIS Person Detection.png

To receive notifications based on an analytic event, an alert rule has to be created and configured in OWS. 

Analytics Alerts in OWS

For cameras pre-configured to send analytic events, an alert can be sent based on specifically defined video events within a selected time period.

  1. Within the Alerts tab in the OWS Cloud Portal, select Alert Rules from the dropdown menu.

Alert Rules dropdown.png

  1. Click Add New Rule.

Add New Rule button.png

  1. Select Analytics from the pop-up menu. 

Create a New Alert Rule popup.png

  1. Click Next.

Next Button.png

  1. Name the alert and give it a Description as desired.

AXIS Name Alert Rule.png

  1. Click Create.

Create button.png

Defining an Alert Rule: Analytics

Alert Rules Video Scenario.png

  1. Choose Video from Event Group and an Event Type from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter the Time of Day ranges that this rule should be active for.
  3. Check the boxes beneath the Days of the Week on which the rule should be active.
  4. Select the state of the intrusion area between Armed, Disarmed or both.
  5. Active Alert (Optional) - Check the Active Alert box to add the alert to the Active Alert Dashboard and tag it as an Active Alert in email notifications.
  6. Send To 3rd Party Integration (Optional) - Check the Send To boxes to send the alert to the associated 3rd party integration.
  7. Click Save.
Adding Cameras to an Alert Rule
  1. Click Cameras on the navigation sidebar.

 Cameras tab.png 

  1. Click Add Camera.

  Add Camera button.png 

  1. Click the Add button next to each device you'd like to be included in the Alert.

Green Add button.png

  1. Click Select when finished.

Select button.png

Adding Users to an Alert Rule

NOTE: Adding Users to a rule automatically grants them permission to view alerts for cameras and locations they have access to based on their User Group permissions.

  1. Click Users/Notifications on the left-hand menu.

Users Notifications tab.png

  1. Click Add User or Add Group.

Add Group Add User button.png

  1. Click + next to each User or Group to send emails and push notifications when the alert is triggered.

Green Add button.png

  1. Click Add when finished.

Select button.png

NOTE: To receive email, push or client alert notifications, the Email Alert, Push Alert or Client Alert box must be checked. Simply adding a user only gives them access to see this alert’s history. See Alert Notifications for details.

Deleting an Alert Rule or Updating, Disabling, Clearing All Active Alerts
  1. Click General Info on the navigation sidebar.

General Info tab.png

  1. Edit the Name and Description as desired.

General Info Name and Description.png

  1. Click Disable Rule to turn the Alert Rule off without deleting it.
  2. Click Delete Rule to permanently remove the Alert Rule and delete all history associated with it.
  3. Click Clear All Active Alerts to permanently remove only the Active Alerts from the history associated with the Alert Rule.
  4. Click Save when finished.

NOTE: The Name given to an alert will appear as the subject line of email notifications sent by that alert.

Search Analytic Events in OWS

NOTE: AXIS Object Analytics person detection events are searchable under Person

NOTE: AXIS Object Analytics vehicle detection events are searchable under Vehicle.

NOTE: AXIS Object Analytics events where the Time in Scene option is enabled are searchable in OWS under the Analytics > Scenario event type.

To access the Cloud Web Client, click the Video tab > Video Player within the OWS Cloud Portal.

Video Player dropdown.png  

NOTE: You can click Video on the navigation bar to go directly to Video Player.

NOTE: Connecting to the OWS Video Player via the CONNECT button will will display a grid with no images. Select a location or devices from the list to display video in the grid:

Grid Layout by Camera Count

1 Camera Single Camera  
2 Cameras 1x2 Grid      
3-4 Cameras 2x2 Grid  
5-9 Cameras 3x3 Grid  
10+ cameras 4x4 Grid  

In the OpenEye Web Services (OWS) Video Player, click Search Magnifying Glass Search button.png

NOTE: Any devices currently in view in the Video Player will be automatically included in the Event Search Filters.

Person Search

Person Vehicle License Plate Analytics Point of Sale | Motion Sensor Access Control Intrusion

Click on Person Event Search Person button.png to search person detection events.

Event Search Person Filters.png

  1. Select a Date / Time from the dropdown.

NOTE: If you select Custom Range, enter a Start Date / Time and End Date / Time in the fields, or click the calendar Event Search Calendar button.png and set Start and End Date / Time. From the Duration dropdown, select greater than > or less than < and enter numerical values for hr : min : sec or click the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the Duration. Duration arrows.png

  1. Select Cameras from the dropdown or click Search Cameras Search Cameras button.png to select from a list of cameras.

NOTE: If you don't see your camera on the list, enable Show All Cameras. Event Search Show All Cameras.png 

  1. Click Search to to display the list of Events that match the search criteria. Click Reset search filters to start over with a new search.

Reset and Search.png

Vehicle Search

Person Vehicle License Plate Analytics Point of Sale | Motion Sensor Access Control Intrusion

Click on Vehicle Vehicle Search button.png to search vehicle detection events.

Event Search Vehicle Filters.png

  1. Select a Date / Time from the dropdown.

NOTE: If you select Custom Range, enter a Start Date / Time and End Date / Time in the fields, or click the calendar Event Search Calendar button.png and set Start and End Date / Time. From the Duration dropdown, select greater than > or less than < and enter numerical values for hr : min : sec or click the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the Duration. Duration arrows.png

  1. Select Cameras from the dropdown or click Search Cameras Search Cameras button.png to select from a list of cameras.

NOTE: If you don't see your camera on the list, enable Show All Cameras. Event Search Show All Cameras.png 

  1. Click Search to to display the list of Events that match the search criteria. Click Reset search filters to start over with a new search.

Reset and Search.png

Analytics Search

AXIS Object Analytics events are searchable in OWS under the Scenario event type.

Person Vehicle License Plate Analytics Point of Sale | Motion Sensor Access Control Intrusion

Click on Analytics Event Search Analytics button.png to search Person Detected, Vehicle DetectedLine Crossed, Fog / SmokeCamera Tampering, Mask Detected, Queue, and Scenario events.

Event Search Analytics Filters.png

  1. Select one or more of the Analytics Event Types: Person Detected, Vehicle Detected, Line Crossed, Fog / Smoke, Camera Tampering, Mask Detected, Queue, and Scenario.
  2. Select a Date / Time from the dropdown.

NOTE: If you select Custom Range, enter a Start Date / Time and End Date / Time in the fields, or click the calendar Event Search Calendar button.png and set Start and End Date / Time. From the Duration dropdown, select greater than > or less than < and enter numerical values for hr : min : sec or click the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the Duration. Duration arrows.png

  1. Select Cameras from the dropdown or click Search Cameras Search Cameras button.png to select from a list of cameras.

NOTE: If you don't see your camera on the list, enable Show All Cameras. Event Search Show All Cameras.png 

  1. Click Search to to display the list of Events that match the search criteria. Click Reset search filters to start over with a new search.

Reset and Search.png

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