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OpenEye Knowledge Base

How are Available Licenses Assigned to Recorders in Subscription Management?

Assigning Licenses
  • When licenses are assigned to a recorder, they will be pulled from the currently unassigned licenses available to a Subscription Group.
    • Unassigning from a recorder makes those licenses available to the Subscription Group again.
Removing Licenses
  • When removing licenses, the licenses purchased most recently will be removed first.
    • Removing licenses will discontinue charges associated with those licenses.

Manage Licenses Removed Licenses.png

Licenses in OWS

Assign Licenses to recorders associated with the Channel Partner account.

  1. Click Edit.

Edit button.png

  1. Increase or decrease the number of licenses to assign to the device.

Sub Man Assign Licenses.png

  1. Click Next to confirm the change in licenses.

Sub Man Save Recorder License Change.png

  1. Click Save.
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