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OpenEye Knowledge Base

How Do I Enable BNC on My IP Camera?

Some cameras have the option to send analog video over a BNC connection.

Here are some example models: OE-C8213, OE-C7624-AWR, OE-C7564-AWR, OE-C7098-AWR, OE-C7094-AWR, OE-C6123-W.

Access Camera UI

This function is enabled by setting the stream options. You can do this in the camera UI using Camera Link.

  1. Click Setup (Gear Icon). clipboard_e42c73e33cb1ca77feb3c2c1180c37adc.png
  2. Under General Configuration, navigate to the Cameras menu.
  3. Select a camera by clicking on it.
  4. Click the Image Settings tab.
  5. Click Connect Directly to Camera.

Cameras Setup Image Settings tab.png

Enable BNC

To enable BNC, you will need to edit the streams.

The following settings will allow enabling the BNC option: H264+H264 / MJPEG / H264 

For example, if you enable the streams as [H264+H264+H264] or [H264 + MJPEG], the option to enable BNC will not be available.

Example without BNC Option


Example without BNC Option


Example with BNC Option
