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360° View in Command Station Desktop Client

Get a complete view of a fisheye or 360° camera with 360° View Mode in the Command Station desktop client. 360° View uses dewarping to provide complete situational awareness, allowing users to use a standard camera view while still recording the complete 180° or 360° area. View, export, and share dewarped or zoomed in video from fisheye cameras from the convenience of the Command Station desktop client.
Enable Fisheye

Enable Fisheye to dewarp 360° fisheye camera lenses so that a user can pan the camera view in multiple directions even if the camera does not have moving mechanical parts.

To enable Fisheye for an individual camera, connect to a recorder, click Setup > Cameras and select the camera you want to configure from the Camera List. Click on the Fisheye tab and check the box to Enable Fisheye Support for the camera.

NOTE: Video over 9MP will automatically be transcoded to a smaller resolution for performance reasons when Enable Fisheye Support is checked.

Mount Type – Change this setting to Wall or Ceiling based on the installation of the camera.

Enable Advanced Configuration – This option allows custom tuning of the center and diameter of dewarping done by the software. Adjusting the X and Y Center values changes the position of the warped image in regards to the position of the image as a whole. The diameter value is used to determine the focal length of the lens when calculating de-warp parameters.

NOTE: Supported cameras typically have optimal settings by default and do not need to be modified with advanced configuration.

Cameras Setup Fisheye tab.png

360 View in Live and Search

In both Live or Search views, right click on a camera to select 360° View Mode.  This will give you the option to pick one of the following options: Interactive, 360° Panorama, 2 X 180° Panorama, and No Dewarp.


Interactive is one of the most powerful options for dewarping a fisheye camera in Command Station. Interactive mode will enable what's referred to as Interactive PTZ, and you'll be able to move around the dewarped video similar to how you would adjust a PTZ camera. A benefit to using Interactive PTZ with a fisheye camera through Command Station is that even if you have the live view set up to focus on one particular area, it's still recording the full fisheye view and can be viewed later through the Search function.

Below are two examples of the same frame from paused video using Interactive mode. You can see a dewarped picture of two different angles from the same time by clicking and dragging your mouse.


360° Panorama will take the fisheye video and display it as if the lens was in the center of the area of focus and spun in a circle. This option can be very useful if your primary focus is what's on the edge of the fisheye view as it will display that video clearly for the full 360° degrees in a singular channel on Command Station.

2 x 180° Panorama is similar to 360° Panorama. Some may find searching for where an event happened in relation to the camera easier in 2 x 180° Panorama compared to the 360° Panorama.

Here are two examples of the same footage dewarped using the 360° Panorama option and the 2x180° Panorama option:


No Dewarp does exactly as it sounds, and does not dewarp the picture at all. This still allows you to zoom in with your scroll wheel and move the picture around by clicking and dragging like the 360° Panorama and 2x180° Panorama options.

Here is an example of a fisheye camera without any 360° View options selected:


All of these 360° View options can be performed through Live and Search.

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