Thumbnail Search in Command Station
For more information on Thumbnail Search in other clients:
Cloud Player | Legacy Web Client
Thumbnail Search
Thumbnail Search is ideal for viewing before and after comparisons at user-determined intervals. This search can help a user narrow down a time period during which something changed in the scene, such as vandalism or theft. Click the following link for more information on how to perform a Thumbnail Search.
Perform a Thumbnail Search
- Click the Search button.
- Select and double-click a camera in Search.
- Select the Thumbnail Search icon.
- Select the number of thumbnails to display.
- Select the time range to display.
- Turn OSD On or Off.
- Select a Date and Time from the Thumbnail Search Date Previewer.
- Left-click on the desired thumbnail to narrow the time interval, opening new thumbnails.
NOTE: When the thumbnail is narrowed to 1, 3, or 10 minutes, left-clicking again will begin recorded video playback in the Timeline Search screen.
- Right-click the desired thumbnail to expand the time interval, opening new thumbnails.