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How to Create Non-Email User Accounts

When IT or operational policies prohibit the use of email addresses for user names, a new account alias function can now be enabled as an alternative. Non-email users can access remote clients, receive alert push notifications, share video clips, and use most other OpenEye Web Services (OWS) features which do not require email notifications. Non-Email User Accounts are yet another great example of how OpenEye works to meet the complex needs of our sophisticated user base.

NOTE: Non-Email User Accounts are only available with certain licensing tiers. See OWS Licensing for more information.

Changing the Account Alias
  1. Go to Settings Settings Gear Icon.png > Account Profile.
  2. Enable Create Non-Email Users to add users without an email address to your account.
  3. Enter a new suffix in Account Alias.

Create Alias and Nonemail Users.png

  1. Click SaveSave Button.png
Create Non-Email User Account
  1. Users can be added from Management > User Management > Users.

EU Management Users.png

  1. Click Add New User.

Add New User Button.png

  1. Select Username for Account Type and click Next.

Add New User Account Type Username.png 

  1. Enter a First Name, Last Name, and Username.

NOTE: The login will display below the Username.

  1. Enter and Confirm the Password.
  2. Use the Add User to Group dropdown menu to assign the new user to a User Group.

NOTE: Non-Email Users cannot be added to Admin accounts.

Add New User Username Login.png

  1. Click Add New User after the required fields are entered.
  2. The new user will appear in the Users list.

NonEmail Users list Username.png

Editing Users and Enabling Notifications
  1. Click Edit to view and edit User Details.

Nonemail EU Management User Details.png

  1. Click Notifications.

NonEmail Users Notifications.png

  1. Check Push Alert Notifications.
  2. Click Save.
Manage Non-Email User Accounts
  1. Go to User Management > User Groups > Web Services Permissions > User and User Group Management.

Web Services Permissions User and User Group Management.png

  1. Check Manage Users and User Groups.
  2. Check Manage Non-Email User Accounts.
  3. Click Save.
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