What if I don't see the integration I am looking for on my account in OWS?
Product Integrations
If you do not see the integration you are looking for in your OWS account, the first thing you should check is if it is a supported integration using the supported integrations link: https://www.openeye.net/solutions/integrations
License Type
If your integration is supported, then the most likely reason you do not see your specific integration is going to be your current licensing type. For most of our current integrations, OWS 24/7 Subscription licenses are required. If the customer account is still using our older licensing structure (e.g. OWS Select, OWS Premium) that would be the reason you do not see the correct integration. To check what license structure the customer account is set to, please follow the “How to Determine the OWS License Type” section of the following article: https://answers.openeye.net/Troubleshooting/Frequently_Asked_Questions/OWS/How_Do_I_Fix_an_'Invalid_License_Type'_Error%3F
Licensing Tier
Lastly, another reason you may not see your preferred integration is due to your licensing tier. Some license tiers, such as OWS 24/7 Lite, does not support all available integrations. You can compare the feature set of the different licensing tiers here: https://www.openeye.net/assets/documents/ows-24-7-features-comparison
If you are still not seeing the integration you are looking for feel free to reach out to one of our technical support representatives for further assistance.