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Export from Console

  1. Click Export Export Icon.png from the Search screen in console.

Console Export Clip Snapshot Archive.png

  1. Choose:

Video Clip - Export a duration of recorded video from Search to an external media source.

Snapshot - Export a single image from Search.

Archive - Export as a file that can be opened in the Archive Viewer.

Export a Video Clip

Console Export Clip Length.png

  1.  Enter Length of Clip in seconds (3000 max).
  2. Adjust the Video Quality (from Low to High; 1 -10).
  3. Check to Display Date/Time on video (Export will take longer).
  4. Select Destination (requires writable media).
  5. Click Export.

NOTE: Recorders connected to an OWS (OpenEye Web Services) account can export video clips as MP4s to OWS.

Export a Snapshot

Console Export Snapshot.png

  1. Select Destination (requires writable media).
  2. Click Export.
Export Archive

Console Export Archive.png

  1. Select the recorded video from a camera or cameras to Archive.

NOTE: Select All to Archive recorded videos from all cameras connected to the recorder.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Select Date / Time and Duration
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select Destination (requires writable media) and enter a Filename.
  5. Click Export.

NOTE: Export from console is available on Linux appliances only.

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