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OE-501J Joystick Controls

PTZ Cameras can be controlled by compatible OpenEye Joysticks and Keyboards.

pan - move the joystick left and right

tilt - move the joystick up and down

zoom in - twist the joystick clockwise

zoom out - twist the joystick counterclockwise

NOTE: The joystick controls are variable. The amount of pressure applied in any direction determines the speed of the pan, tilt and zoom.

OE501J Joystick and Keypad.png

  1. Camera Button
  2. Customizable Keys
  3. Joystick

Command Station uses the OE501J Set Preset Button.png OE501J Go Preset Button.png OE501J Full Button.png OE501J Display Button.pngkeys with the number keys (0-9) on the OE-501J:

  • OE501J Set Preset Button.png Set Preset - assigns preset to specified number
  • OE501J Go Preset Button.png Go Preset -  go to the preset assigned to a specified number
  • OE501J Full Button.png Full - load camera into single channel mode
  • OE501J Display Button.png Display - load a camera into grid view
OE-501J Button Controls 
  • set preset - move a camera to a desired position, type in a number and select set preset
  • go to preset - type in an assigned number and select go preset -OR- type in an assigned number and ENTER
  • go to default camera - select camera button and press enter to go to default camera
  • view single camera tile - type camera ID and select full to view camera in a single camera tile -OR- click on a camera and select full to view camera in a single camera tile
  • view camera in a grid - type camera ID and select display to view camera in a grid tile -OR- click on a camera and select display to view camera in a grid tile
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