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Plate Recognizer Integration Instructions

NOTE: Plate Recognizer integration is only available with certain licensing tiers. See OWS Licensing for more information.

NOTE: Plate Recognizer integration is only available on Windows Apex recorders.

Plate Recognizer Integration Instructions

The Plate Recognizer integration allows Plate Recognizer to send license plate information to OpenEye OWS via the Event Receiver API (Analytics). This feature is only available on request. Please contact your sales representative for assistance. 

API Integration
Add Integration
  1. In OWS, click on Management > Integrations.

Integrations Dropdown.png

  1. Select Integrations.
  2. Click the Add New Integration button.

Add New Integration button.png

  1. Select an API Integration from the dropdown and click Next.

NOTE: Integration Management is not available for all End User account types.

Creating an API Key
  1. Select the Management > Integrations tab.
  2. Create a new integration or click Edit Edit button.png on an existing integration.
  3. Choose an API Integration.
  4. Select API Access Keys.

API Access Keys.png

  1. Select Add Key.

Add Key button.png

  1. Click Add Key and you will be presented with the Secret Key. Enter a Key Name and click Add.

NOTE: This is the only time you will be able to view the Secret Key. Be sure to copy it somewhere. If the secret key is lost, a new API access token must be created.

Create New Access Token.png

Finding the External Camera ID
  1. In OWS, select Management > Locations > Locations.

Management dropdown Locations Locations.png

  1. Select the location from the menu on the left and click Cameras.
  2. Copy the Camera External ID for the camera you would like associated with the integration.

Triton Locations Cameras List.png

Install Docker for Windows

Follow instructions from Docker on how to install Docker for Windows.

Install Stream for Plate Recognizer
  1. Create a folder named Stream in the Documents folder in Windows.
  2. Log in to your Plate Recognizer account and access your Stream licenses at 
  3. Copy the License Key and API Token for later use.
  4. Go to the Plate Recognizer page for Manually Installing Stream 
  5. In the Docker Command Generator section, enter the License Key and API Token from the previous steps.
  6. Select option Unless Stopped.
  7. Copy the run command that it provides.

docker run --restart=unless-stopped -t --name stream ^
-v "C:\stream":/user-data ^
-e LICENSE_KEY=xxxxxxxxxx -e TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^

  1. In Windows, press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog.
  2. Type cmd and press enter to open the Command Prompt.
  3. Paste the run command from step 7 into the Command Prompt and press enter.
  4. The Stream Docker Image will download, install and run within Docker.
Install OpenEye Webhook Integration
  1. In Windows, create a folder called Webhook in C:\
  2. Go to
  3. Click the green Code button.
  4. Click Download ZIP.


  1. Unzip the downloaded file to C:\Webhook
  2. In Windows, press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog.
  3. Type cmd and press enter to open the Command Prompt.
  4. In the Command Prompt type or copy and paste this command “cd C:\webhook\deep-license-plate-recognition-master\deep-license-plate-recognition-master\webhooks\Webhook_OpenEye .” without quotation marks and press enter.
  5. Still in the Command Prompt, type or copy and paste command: "docker build --tag platerecognizer/webhook-openeye ." to create the docker image
  6. The OpenEye Webhook container will download and install.
Starting the OpenEye Webhook Integration
  1. In Windows, press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog.
  2. Type cmd and press enter to open the Command Prompt.
  3. In the Command Prompt type: 

docker run –rm -t -p 5000:5000 -e AKI_TOKEN=XXXXX -e AKS_TOKEN=YYYYYY platerecognizer/webhook-openeye and change the XXXXX to be the API Access Key generated  in the Authentication section above, and the YYYYYY is the Secret Key generated in the same section. 
Example: docker run –rm -t -p 5000:5000 -e AKI_TOKEN=5WDKYSGD9U7F -e AKS_TOKEN=Pff7MuAwJD5WmG1HiMs129hGr3I17EAV platerecognizer/webhook-openeye

  1. The OpenEye Webhook container will start and run until stopped.
Configuring Plate Recognizer to monitor a camera
  1. In Windows, open the C:\Stream folder.
  2. Open the config.ini file.
  3. Scroll down to find the section.
  4. Change the camera-1 to be the External Camera ID you identified in the How Do I Acquire an External Camera ID above.

Example: changed to

  1. Change the url = to be the RTSP URL of the camera you want to use with Plate Recognizer, including the username and password:

Example: rtsp://admin:password@

  1. Find the webhook_targets section and change it from my-webhook-1 to openeye

Example: webhook_targets = my-webhook-1 changed to be webhook_targets = openeye

  1. The camera section of the config.ini should now look similar to this:

        active = yes
        url = rtsp://admin:password@
        csv_file = $(camera)_%y-%m-%d.csv

        webhook_targets = openeye

  2. If additional cameras are going to be used with Plate Recognizer, enter the information for it just below the first camera, in the same way as the first.
  3. Scroll down further in the config.ini and find the [webhooks] section.
  4. Change  to be 
  5. Then change the url to be the IP address of the local recorder, with port 5000

Example: url =

  1. The webhooks section should now look like this:

      caching = yes

     [ [openeye] ]
        url =
        image = yes
        video = no
        image_type = vehicle
        request_timeout = 30

  2. Save and close this file.
  3. Open Docker Desktop and select Containers.
  4. Click the Stop button next to Stream, then click the Start button to restart the Stream Docker container.
  5. For additional information on customizing the Stream settings, contact your Plate Recognizer representative.

Plate Recognizer and Docker are now configured. Proceed to creating your Alert Rule for License Plates

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