Digital Signature Verifier
Videos, images and archives exported from OWS clients* have an embedded digital signature. This is used to validate that these items have not been tampered with.
To validate the files have not been tampered with, you will need the following:
- The image, video or archive file you wish to validate
- The OpenEye Digital Signature Verifier (DSV) found here.
NOTE: The DSV is a small utility that allows you to validate that the file has not been tampered with. This utility can be downloaded from
- The Certificate Thumbprint from the recorder
The DSV utility will attempt to verify the exported file, and then present one of two findings:
- Digital Signature Validated: this indicates that the thumbnail for the recorder will match the thumbnail displayed for the validated file.
- Digital Signature Invalid: this indicates that the file does not contain a valid certificate.
*NOTE: The Digital Signature Verifier is not supported in Archive Viewer.